Please join me for at my fundraiser as I run for Winnebago County Clerk
Wednesday, October 25, 2017, at Tad's On the Rock, 10 E. Riverside Blvd, Loves Park, IL
from 5 to 7 PM.
Let me know if you'll be there!
The Details...
Sponsorship Opportunities
❏ $250 Bronze Sponsorship (2 tickets)
❏ $500 Silver Sponsorship (4 tickets)
❏ $750 Gold Sponsorship (6 tickets)
❏ $1000 Event Sponsorship (8 tickets)
❏ $25 Individual ticket ❏ $40 Per Couple (two tickets)
❏ $15 Individual Ticket, for Winnebago County Precinct Committeepersons
Make checks payable to "Citizens for Paul Gorski" • 4583 Scenic Drive • Rockford, IL 61109
Email or call 815.874.2916 to RSVP or with questions.
Paid for by Citizens for Paul Gorski.
A copy of our reports filed with the State Board of Elections are (or will be) available from the board 's official website
( or for purchase from the State Board of Elections, Springfield, IL.