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Senators Holmes, Mulroe and Raoul Fundraiser, May 1, Springfield, IL


Please Join
Senator Linda Holmes,
Senator John Mulroe
& Senator Kwame Raoul

Monday, May 1st, 7:30pm-9:00pm
(directly following the Illinois Senate Democratic Majority Caucus event)

Illinois Association of Realtors
522 S. St, Springfield, IL 62701

Tickets: $150
Sponsorships: $250 | $500 
 $1000 | $2500
Paid for by Citizens for Linda Holmes
Copyright © 2017 Citizens for Linda Holmes, All rights reserved.
Thank you for your support in election Senator Linda Holmes to the Illinois State Senate.

Our mailing address is:
Citizens for Linda Holmes
PO Box 6374
Aurora, IL 60598

Add us to your address book

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This Rockford Democrat blog features news and press releases from Rockford, IL Democratic officials and candidates for office.
It is a "lite" version of
Paul Gorski is the editor and posts the content.
More information about local Democratic officials and candidates can be found at (
Copyright 2016-2020 Paul Gorski. I may not create all the content, but I decide what gets posted. Powered by Blogger.