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Wallace Urges Policy Makers to Make Data Driven Decisions

From the Office of State Representative Litesa Wallace

For Immediate Release: For More Information:

Auguest 12, 2016 State Rep. Litesa Wallace 815-987-7433

Wallace Attends National Conference of State Legislator's Summit, Urges 
Policy Makers to Make Data Driven Decisions

Chicago, Ill. – August 8-11, state Rep. Litesa Wallace, D-Rockford, 
attended the National Conference of State Legislators with lawmakers 
from all 50 states and U.S. territories. NCSL is a bipartisan 
organization with a mission to: Improve the quality and effectiveness of 
state legislatures; Promote policy innovation and communication among 
state legislatures; Ensure state legislatures a strong, cohesive voice 
in the federal system.

"This organization and summit provide lawmakers from all over our 
country the opportunity to discuss research and policies that will help 
us to better serve our districts," Wallace said. "This was an excellent 
professional development opportunity and as a former researcher and 
educator, I am particularly pleased with the organization's continued 
emphasis on using data to make informed, not simply partisan, decisions"

Highlights from the summit included general sessions about the US and 
global economies as well as changes in US population and their 
implications for public policy. More in-depth discussions explored 
bipartisan approaches to reducing poverty, increasing the United States' 
International education report card score, reaching across the aisle on 
juvenile justice and more.

"Since taking office, I have been committed to creating and supporting 
policies that benefit working families and help the most vulnerable," 
Wallace said. "The way to do that is to use the information available to 
us to make sound decisions for the residents of Illinois. This 
conference was a great way to re-energize those efforts and I encourage 
policy makers in all areas of government to use data to inform their 

For more information, please contact Wallace's full-time constituent 
service office at 815-987-7433, or email


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