Democratic News from Rockford, IL – more news at

August Meeting for The Winnebago County Democrats is Canceled

The August Meeting of
The Winnebago County Democratic Central Committee
is canceled.

The next meeting is September 15, 2016.

The August meeting is typically canceled 
so that Democrats may work the Democratic booth
at the Winnebago County Fair.

We will have meetings in
September, October and November
but not December.

Thank you!


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This Rockford Democrat blog features news and press releases from Rockford, IL Democratic officials and candidates for office.
It is a "lite" version of
Paul Gorski is the editor and posts the content.
More information about local Democratic officials and candidates can be found at (
Copyright 2016-2020 Paul Gorski. I may not create all the content, but I decide what gets posted. Powered by Blogger.