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David Soll To Announce No Kill and Puppy Mill Policies, Monday, July 25

Media Advisory

David Soll, 
Democratic Candidate for Winnebago County Board,
invites the media to his fundraiser, 
Monday, July 25, 2016, from 6 to 8 PM, 
to learn more about his plans for a
 "No Kill" Policy for Winnebago County Animal Services
and to eliminate "puppy mills" in the county.

Soll will deliver his policy statements at 7 PM, 
and will be joined by speakers Becky Beau, a no-kill policy advocate,
and Jim Beam, a leader in the fight against puppy mills.
A question and answer period will follow.

David Soll for County Board Fundraiser
Hope & Anchor
5040 N. 2nd St
Loves Park, Illinois
6 to 8 PM
Policy statements delivered at 7 PM

Contact David Soll for more information:


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